Tag: Rescue operation

Require volunteers !!!

Rescue Ma is working at the grass root level meeting with farmers & SHGs(Self Help Groups) to spread awareness about the ill-practices that are currently prevalent in our society with respect to animals & cows in particular. Instead of focusing solely on milk, we need to start utilizing cow manure & cow urine which can […]

Mother & Child

The highest of all relations is the mother & child relation; the only bond that is formed even before a child is born. As far as this relationship is concerned, there is no difference between humans & cows. The modern dairy farm practices propagate to separate the calf from the mother cow immediately after the […]

Care for Strays

In ‘Rescue Ma’, our aim is to provide sustainable solutions to stray cattle problem. In addition to finding permanent solutions, we realized that we would need some interim measures to provide immediate relief to these strays. After much deliberation, we decided to make some kind of troughs where we can provide food & water to […]

Score is finally even… :)

A week back, I saw one feeble looking cow sitting alongside the road; not sensing anything, I just passed. Next day, I saw that cow again; sitting in an uncomfortable position on the same spot. Realizing that something was wrong, I stopped my car to check on her. After scanning her, I realized that the […]